back to the routine grind
Feels so good to be back to my daily routine. Most mornings I do the same thing every day. Missed a few morning earlier in the week because I was not feeling well. Today after the fog lifted it turned out to be a beautiful winter morning and day. With 50-60°F (16°C) out it was motivating to get myself moving again.
After mentioning it you are probably wondering what my routine is? There's really not much too it. Get up and down a big glass of water. Walk, jog, run or a mixture of them all as long as I get in 4 miles. The boathouse pictured above is on my route. I recently just added in running up 10 flights of stairs back to my place. Put some coffee on. Then I begin my 10 sets of 12 pull-ups, which I do throughout the entire day. No way I could do them all at once. Get a shower. Get my coffee and check on emails. Then I get something to eat and start on my to-do list. The remaining part of my day is different every day. For example, I finished some things on my list then just received a call a couple hours ago to do a shoot tonight. Back to the grind!
Read my original Road to the GRAMMYs concept post from a year ago