I'm back from Pandora
Well, I am back from Florida. My family in Florida is safe from the Hurricane destruction. Now I face the reality of dealing with shoots and stolen camera/lens/memory card at Made In America. Many wonderful people reached out to me. Photographers offering their back up cameras which I may take a few up on those these coming weeks. Some ideas on reporting stolen camera info to Canon and stolencamerafinder.com. Several nice comments about me as a person and photographer. My favorite that made me laugh and smile was Allan Feather "Not only was this a heinous act on its face, but Derek is a great guy and a gifted photographer. This is like someone stealing Clapton's guitar." I do not think I'm Clapton of photography but I'd like to get there someday.
Some people reached out thinking I would be stopping but I am not. It was nice getting away and not talking about photography for a week. Which if you know me it never happens for even a full day. Today I've been back at it figuring out pricing and the next steps to take towards replacing these things. If there was a price on fixing my heart I'd pay for that first. This week looking forward to an event and several big photo shoots. Right now all I can do is take small steps to get back up and running at full speed.
Photo sets and video clips of Florida captured with my iPhone will be posted to the archive soon.